Games For Christ

Game News


Hey! welcome to the games news page, in here you will be able to see the latest news for upcoming christian games. They will be arranged from recent to oldest, and you will also be able to view most popular news, just to save you some scrolling time. Enjoy!

Mini Games!

Posted on: 19/01/2025

Hey everyone! I'm excited to announce that I am planning on adding mini games to the Games page. These mini games are not downloadable, but they will be playable on the website. Main games may take longer to develop, so I thought I'd add some mini games to keep you entertained. I hope you enjoy them! These mini games include bible trivia to help you boost your knowledge of the Bible.

Website now available on all devices!

Posted on: 16/02/2025

Hey all, Games for Christ is finally responsive for all devices (PC, Laptop, Ipad/Tablets, Iphone, Android). I hope you are satisfied with the current design of this website